WARNING! Make sure you realize that Russell Claxon has already been convicted numerous times for various crimes, including theft by deception and possession of forged instruments. Exercise extreme caution if you are thinking of donating to Russell Claxon's Service Dog Fund on GoFundMe.com at http://www.gofundme.com/servicedog1 !
I can't imagine what in his life would have caused PTSD. He is not a veteran, nor has he, according to my research, ever done anything in his life that could be considered hazardous. He has also made appeals to churches for supplies for his scam porn modeling businesses, which he attempted to disguise as pleas for American servicemen overseas.

GoFundMe ServiceDog1, RDC Media, rdcmedia.net, I-Models Promotions LLC, i-models.net, Active Male Models and Models Today are financial and/or GAY PORNOGRAPHY SCAMS. If you have been approached by owner Russell Claxon or his MANY online aliases on social networking sites, KEEP READING! The main post about Active Male Models is in the tab below, called "Active Male Models SCAM." The rest of this blog is just ongoing updates about the company. Knowledge is power, caveat emptor! :)
- Home
- RDCMedia.net
- I-Models Promotions / Active Male Models SCAM
- The I-Models Promotions / Active Male Models Business Ethic
- Report I-Models Promotions / Active Male Models Here
- Contact Me
- UPDATES: 04 Mar. 2014
- U.S. Security Agency LLC
- Pressphotojournalist.net
- ActiveMaleModels.com Shut Down
- Closed Down Sites
- The $180 Modeling Contract
- National Investigative Report
International Association of Press Photographers
Russell Claxon is now a member of the unaccredited and illegitimate International Association of Press Photographers. He is NOT a legitimate journalist or photographer, nor has he received any formal training to qualify as such. Be sure to do your RESEARCH first before engaging with him! DO NOT accept his fraudulent press credentials as valid should he present them to you!
I-Models, LLC Registration Info
I-Models is registered in the State of New Mexico and organized by Nancy Hernandez. Just because Hernandez is the "organizer," however, DOES NOT MEAN that Russell Claxon is not running and operating the "business."
If you would like FULL INFORMATION on this company, you may contact the New Mexico Secretary of State.
If you would like FULL INFORMATION on this company, you may contact the New Mexico Secretary of State.
I-Models Promotions, LLC
Russell Claxon is now using the alias "Russell David" in his most recent scam. Don't be taken in by (Rev.) Russell Claxon's newest business venture:
I - Models Promotions LLC (i-models.net, Link opens in new tab/window.)
A photo of the "Master Agent":
Please share your experiences in the comments section below, or e-mail me at activemalemodelsexperience@googlemail.com
Your comments and correspondence will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.
And look! I-Models Promotions is tied to a site called USAMINISTRIES.ORG?
I - Models Promotions LLC (i-models.net, Link opens in new tab/window.)
A photo of the "Master Agent":
Please share your experiences in the comments section below, or e-mail me at activemalemodelsexperience@googlemail.com
Your comments and correspondence will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.
And look! I-Models Promotions is tied to a site called USAMINISTRIES.ORG?
AMM / RC Hacking My GMail? HAHAHA
This has happened before, about this time last year.
I'm not surprised. :) I'll post the e-mails from AMM's rather pathetic lawyers today, too, so we can all have a good laugh.
Oh, I'm also reactivating the comments section. I need a good chuckle, so why not ...
UPDATE 31 January 2013
Well, I just received an e-mail from another frantic victim. The person states that Russell Claxon is attempting to get (or already has) a press pass of questionable credibility from:
"US Press Corps" http://www.uspresscorps.org
and that he is attempting to get involved with something called:
"International Freelance Photographers Organization" http://ifpo.net
Both of the above organizations are linked to a person called Vonda Blackburn, and both of them charge fees for services for which there are typically no fees involved.
Keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, that a legitimate press pass is issued free of charge (unless you pay $10 for having the card re-made when you lose it), and typically by a legitimate media outlet, law enforcement agency, or research organization such as a television news station, radio station, newspaper, or university. In any case, the person requesting press credentials needs to actually HAVE credentials, which The Honorable Rev Russell Claxon does not.
A warning to consumers and aspiring models, actors, etc.: If someone presents a press pass to you, ALWAYS ask for a letter of their credentials to accompany it, and ALWAYS research the organization which issued the press pass to ensure legitimacy. Just a tiny bit of info from Wikipedia on "spurious cards":
"US Press Corps" http://www.uspresscorps.org
and that he is attempting to get involved with something called:
"International Freelance Photographers Organization" http://ifpo.net
Both of the above organizations are linked to a person called Vonda Blackburn, and both of them charge fees for services for which there are typically no fees involved.
Keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, that a legitimate press pass is issued free of charge (unless you pay $10 for having the card re-made when you lose it), and typically by a legitimate media outlet, law enforcement agency, or research organization such as a television news station, radio station, newspaper, or university. In any case, the person requesting press credentials needs to actually HAVE credentials, which The Honorable Rev Russell Claxon does not.
A warning to consumers and aspiring models, actors, etc.: If someone presents a press pass to you, ALWAYS ask for a letter of their credentials to accompany it, and ALWAYS research the organization which issued the press pass to ensure legitimacy. Just a tiny bit of info from Wikipedia on "spurious cards":
- Spurious cards
ActiveMaleModels.com and Models-Today.com are now virtually NOTHING.
No photos of young men. No name-and-shame legal stories. NOTHING!
This success is owed to a LOT of people, and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No photos of young men. No name-and-shame legal stories. NOTHING!
This success is owed to a LOT of people, and THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Interesting ...
(Use the tabs above to navigate the blog.)
UPDATE: Since I wrote this post yesterday, ActiveMaleModels.com and Models-Today.com have been reinstated to look like nothing happened. Shocking. :-)
Isn't it amazing that ActiveMaleModels.com AND Models-Today.com have BOTH drastically altered their pages at the SAME TIME as soon as I pointed out that at least SOME of
the Active Male "Models" are working in the "GAY FOR PAY" PORN industry!
In fact, models-today.com is completely offline! I guess I'll just have to forward all of my documentation to the authorities. HTML copies and screen captures; I have it all in the original. :) And Google keeps the sites completely intact in cached form, so once it's out there, it's out there for good.
BEFORE yesterday's post about Active Male Models:
UPDATE: Since I wrote this post yesterday, ActiveMaleModels.com and Models-Today.com have been reinstated to look like nothing happened. Shocking. :-)
Isn't it amazing that ActiveMaleModels.com AND Models-Today.com have BOTH drastically altered their pages at the SAME TIME as soon as I pointed out that at least SOME of
the Active Male "Models" are working in the "GAY FOR PAY" PORN industry!
In fact, models-today.com is completely offline! I guess I'll just have to forward all of my documentation to the authorities. HTML copies and screen captures; I have it all in the original. :) And Google keeps the sites completely intact in cached form, so once it's out there, it's out there for good.
BEFORE yesterday's post about Active Male Models:
AFTER yesterday's post about Active Male Models:
AMM Responds ... Again LOL
(Click the tab above to see info on Active Male Models)
Hey everyone! Make sure to check out Active Male Models' updated response blog. :-) You have to wonder why any legitimate company would go to such lengths to make themselves sound legitimate. Usually their reputation is what they rely on. But, who said Active Male Models exercises professionalism and ethical restraint? People have serious bones to pick with Bank of America, for example, but BofA never tosses up these kinds of blogs in response.
Anyway, here's Russell's blog -- check it out and have a laugh:
By the way: My Facebook is still working just fine, thanks, you just don't have access to it any more.
Hey everyone! Make sure to check out Active Male Models' updated response blog. :-) You have to wonder why any legitimate company would go to such lengths to make themselves sound legitimate. Usually their reputation is what they rely on. But, who said Active Male Models exercises professionalism and ethical restraint? People have serious bones to pick with Bank of America, for example, but BofA never tosses up these kinds of blogs in response.
Anyway, here's Russell's blog -- check it out and have a laugh:
By the way: My Facebook is still working just fine, thanks, you just don't have access to it any more.
ActiveMaleModels.com Shut Down?
(Click the tab at the top of this page to view the main post about Active Male Models, LLC)
Well, it looks like the website for Active Male Models, LLC, has been shut down. Who knows why. Maybe the "Master Agent" didn't pay the bill to renew it? Strange. A "Master Agent" would have the money to pay for a cheap GoDaddy website. Hopefully law enforcement have seized it and that's why it's down. :)
UPDATE: Unfortunately, activemalemodels.com is back online. Let's see if we can change that for good! :)
But if you have paid $180 to be on the Active Male Models website, then you need to get in touch with the Louisville Better Business Bureau, your state attorney general, the Federal Trade Commission, or your attorney in order to have your money refunded.
Well, it looks like the website for Active Male Models, LLC, has been shut down. Who knows why. Maybe the "Master Agent" didn't pay the bill to renew it? Strange. A "Master Agent" would have the money to pay for a cheap GoDaddy website. Hopefully law enforcement have seized it and that's why it's down. :)
UPDATE: Unfortunately, activemalemodels.com is back online. Let's see if we can change that for good! :)
But if you have paid $180 to be on the Active Male Models website, then you need to get in touch with the Louisville Better Business Bureau, your state attorney general, the Federal Trade Commission, or your attorney in order to have your money refunded.
Recent Comments
UPDATE: If you would like to post comments here, you will need to have an account with Google. As you can see, virtually all of the comments coming in have been from the same person. Quite frankly, I'm tired of dealing with it. So if you have something to say to me, please contact me at
Any e-mails to the above e-mail account which are received from anonymous mailer services, such as hush.com, or any e-mails which are from non-U.S. services, such as gmx, will be routed directly into the spam folder.
Some recent comments have come in with URL's to Facebook profiles, alleging to belong to my alleged pseudonym (a perfectly legal method of concealing an identity, by the way). It should be noted that I will not publish any comments that contain links to others' Facebook profiles or which contain any other identifying information.
It should also be noted that I will not stop my activities with this blog until such time as this modeling scam has been brought to a final end and reparations have been paid to victims.
I will happily consider speaking to the attorneys for Active Male Models if I am provided with their name and contact information. However, I imagine that this information will not materialize due to the implications of the clean hands doctrine for the owner.
UPDATE: If you would like to post comments here, you will need to have an account with Google. As you can see, virtually all of the comments coming in have been from the same person. Quite frankly, I'm tired of dealing with it. So if you have something to say to me, please contact me at
Any e-mails to the above e-mail account which are received from anonymous mailer services, such as hush.com, or any e-mails which are from non-U.S. services, such as gmx, will be routed directly into the spam folder.
Some recent comments have come in with URL's to Facebook profiles, alleging to belong to my alleged pseudonym (a perfectly legal method of concealing an identity, by the way). It should be noted that I will not publish any comments that contain links to others' Facebook profiles or which contain any other identifying information.
It should also be noted that I will not stop my activities with this blog until such time as this modeling scam has been brought to a final end and reparations have been paid to victims.
I will happily consider speaking to the attorneys for Active Male Models if I am provided with their name and contact information. However, I imagine that this information will not materialize due to the implications of the clean hands doctrine for the owner.
The Models-Today / Active Male Models Business Ethic
I found this on the Louisville BBB website, dated 21 September 2011. It says it all, but for all the information you ever wanted to know about Active Male Models, Models-Today, or their owner, Russell Claxon, CLICK HERE TO SKIP TO THAT SECTION OF THE BLOG.
And I have some interesting new information which I will share with current/prospective/former victims if they contact me at activemalemodelsexperience@googlemail.com
And I have some interesting new information which I will share with current/prospective/former victims if they contact me at activemalemodelsexperience@googlemail.com
A Word of Warning
Click here to skip straight to the main post about Active Male Models and Models Today.
While I realize that the owner of Active Male Models has an axe to grind with people who have outwitted him and won civil lawsuits against him, or who have exposed the Models Today scam publicly, I will NOT allow comments like the following to be published unredacted. I do not know the person who is mentioned in these comments, but should their name continue to show up in the comments posted by representatives of Active Male Models, I will turn the comments over to the people in question so that they may serve the owner of Active Male Models with cease and desist and/or restraining orders. That is a PROMISE!
InCorp Services is listed as the registered agent for Active Male Models and all companies owned by Russell Claxon. They are responsible for receiving legal service for the company and its owner.
If you would like to serve legal notice, such as a cease and desist order or a notice of a small claims lawsuit, write to this address:
InCorp Services, Inc.
7828 Lane Bryant Road, Ste. 219
Lexington, KY 40504InCorp Services is listed as the registered agent for Active Male Models and all companies owned by Russell Claxon. They are responsible for receiving legal service for the company and its owner.
It should also be noted that an IP address has been given on the response blog to this one. It is located in Europe, not the United States. But nice try.
Just a Reminder
Everyone make sure to check out the blog, set up by the owner of Active Male Models, LLC, here:
Notice how he always references some "loser blogger" but never provides a link to this blog? There's a reason for that: While he's not the brightest bulb, he's smart enough to know that people can, and WILL, decide for themselves what to believe.
UPDATE: This comment was just received for moderation, naming someone with whom Russell Claxon has had prior dealings but who has nothing to do with this blog. I have therefore redacted that person's name. But the person who left this comment should realize that he is in violation of any agreement for non-contact or any cease and desist order by using this person's name.
Well, my blog isn't a scam. I'm not trying to earn money with it by deceiving others. I'm providing information for consumers and aspiring models, nothing more. In order for this to be a "scam," I would have to be deliberately attempting to deceive for the purpose of personal gain. Nice try, though, Russell. No, not "nice try" -- pathetic try, Russell.
Aw, a new Active Male Models site on Google
Oh how cute. Russell set up a site on Google sites about his company:
He writes: "Want to model with a great company and a company who is not a scam?"
Well, in my experience, businesses which AREN'T scams can rely on their reputations to make that claim for them. Check it out. It's hilarious. It looks like an angry toddler wrote it. ;)
Anyone else notice?
It got very quiet on my blog. It's like all of those "concerned" people who post comments in a vicious flurry start and stop at the same. exact. time. Could it be because those people who comment here are always the owner of Active Male Models, Models Today, US Security Agency, US Fugitive Apprehension Agency, and US Court Process Server Agency? Yep.
I'll be adding more updates soon. :)
Tell Your Story Where It Counts! Demand a Refund! Demand Justice! Send this Report to the BBB
Copy and paste this Open Complaint and Report Form into your word processor and send it to the Louisville Better Business Bureau if you have been approached by Active Male Models, LLC, or are a current "model." Be as specific as possible. NOTE: This form was written by this blogger. It was not written by the BBB and has not been approved by the BBB.
You can e-mail it to:
You can e-mail it to:
of Louisville
Mr. Charles Mattingly cmattingly@louisville.bbb.org
South 4th Street
KY 40203
SCAM: Active Male
Models, LLC
BBB of Louisville,
Mr. Mattingly,
am a model with / I have been approached for modeling by (delete
one) Active Male Models, LLC.
has come to my attention that Active Male Models, LLC, of Louisville,
is owned and operated by the same person who operated the now-defunct
Models Today, LLC. Due to the background of Models Today, LLC, and
the criminal and civil litigation history of its owner, Russell
Claxon, I am deeply concerned that my rights as a consumer might have
been violated.
owner of this company, Russell Claxon, deliberately attempted to
conceal this from me, and he deliberately attempted to conceal
his real name when attempting to transact with me, despite acting in
the official capacity of the self-styled "master agent."
He has used pseudonyms to prevent me, as a consumer, from being able
to make an informed decision before conducting business with him. He
does not provide his name or contact information on his website,
activemalemodels.com, which makes it impossible for consumers to
investigate his lofty claims of professional acumen. This also makes
it impossible to lodge a formal complaint with his company, as he
does not list a physical address for the certified delivery of
his website, he claims to be a "master agent" who "manages
every aspect of [his models'] promotion." This simply cannot be
further from the truth. He charges $180 to post photographs of me on
his website. But he does nothing to find me work, and he does not
explain to me how he plans to promote my career. As I am not a
professional model and therefore do not possess the industry
knowledge to inform my decision as a consumer, I find this to be a
deliberate abuse of my trust. As many of the "master agent's"
potential and current targets are still teenagers, and therefore not
likely to have made many such transactions in the past, his targeting
of them is particularly unconscionable.
Russell Claxon, the "master agent," does not meet his
models. It is therefore impossible that he can manage my career, as
he cannot possibly assess my suitability for modeling jobs. It is
also concerning that he approaches young men online without full
knowledge that they are of the age of majority and
therefore eligible to enter into contracts as his clients and/or send
suggestive images of themselves to him.
despite what the contract with Active Male Models, LLC, states, I
feel that the company has entered into a further contractual
agreement with me, through its unsubstantiated claims on its
public website, which is its public contractual agreement with
anyone who chooses to do business with this company. This agreement
is not being honored, and I therefore would like for this scam to be
reported to the Attorney General of my state.
keep my information confidential unless required by law.
Sincerely _________________________________________________
(Your signature)
You do not need to be a current
or former model to respond to the following.
Do you wish for this report to
1. Name: __________________________________________
2. Date
of Birth: __________________________________________
3. State
of residence: __________________________________________
4. Approached
by: __________________________________________
name of the person who contacted you, and/or the name they gave you)
5. Where
approached: __________________________________________
of social network or physical location)
6. When
approached: __________________________________________
7. Amount
paid: __________________________________________
8. Method
of payment: __________________________________________
9. Receipt
10. Contract
11. Have
you received any job offers? YES / NO / NOT APPLICABLE
12. If
YES to 11 above, what kinds? Note any sexual or explicit content.
Be very specific.
13. If
NO to 12 above, were you told you would receive job offers? YES /
14. If
YES to 13 above, what kinds? Note any sexual or explicit content.
Be very specific.
15. Has
the "master agent" kept regular contact with you or given
you advice on your modeling career?
16. What
kind of advice has the "master agent" given you? Be very
specific. You do not need to be a current or former model to
respond. Note any strange or explicit/sexual content.
17. What
kinds of photographs did you send to the "master agent,"
and what kinds of photos did he request?
very specific. Were the photos erotic/sexual in nature? Etc.
18. Did
the "master agent" request verification of your age and
identity before
asking for photographs?
/ NO
19. If
YES to 19 above, did you provide it before
sending him photographs? YES / NO
20. Where
did you send the photographs? Be as specific as possible.
21. Have
you met the "master agent" in person? YES / NO
22. If
YES to 21 above, what was the nature of the interaction? Be as
specific as possible. Was it professional? Courteous? Sexual in
nature? Did it make you feel uncomfortable? Add anything you think
is worth mentioning.
23. What
were your overall impressions of the "master agent" in your
communications with him? Be as
as possible, and note any references to sex.
24. Copies
of e-mails and other communications with the "master agent"
attached? YES / NO
25. Do
you feel you have been harassed by the "master agent"?
26. If
yes to 25 above, why? Be very specific.
27. Do
you want a refund of any money you have paid to Active Male Models,
28. If
YES to 27 above, provide details on the amount and where and how to
send it.
This will require the release of your name and contact details to
Active Male Models.
29. How
would you like any of your complaints with Active Male Models, LLC,
or its "master agent"
be resolved? Be very specific.
30. Please
provide any and all additional information which you think might be
important. Be very specific. If you suspect criminal activity,
please record it here and report it to your local law enforcement.
If you suspect you have a case for civil damages (small claims,
etc.), contact an attorney or approach your local Better Business
physical address: _________________________________________________
e-mail address: _________________________________________________
to call: _________________________________________________
you wish to be contacted by the media? YES / NO
you like this report to be released to the media CONFIDENTIALLY? YES
/ NO
Signature Printed
Name Location/Date
How to Deal with the Owner of Active Male Models
Click Here to Skip to the Main Blog Post on Active Male Models - Models Today
Well, I've started receiving [courteous] e-mails from Russell Claxon's business partner. I hope he realizes I have no problems with him (I don't know him or anything about him).
And, not surprisingly, since I told Russell that his IP address had come up with the spam e-mails he was sending me, those have stopped, as well.
Just a word of advice to anyone currently dealing with this bozo:
(This isn't legal advice -- if you're unsure, contact an attorney.)
Well, I've started receiving [courteous] e-mails from Russell Claxon's business partner. I hope he realizes I have no problems with him (I don't know him or anything about him).
And, not surprisingly, since I told Russell that his IP address had come up with the spam e-mails he was sending me, those have stopped, as well.
Just a word of advice to anyone currently dealing with this bozo:
If he is contacting you, you can't harass him by speaking back. Don't initiate contact with him, though. If you do, he'll go screaming and crying to his "lawyers" and tell them you're "harassing" him. You keep your cool in any correspondence with him and he has no way to do anything to you.
This blog, for example, doesn't open me up to any liability at all, and here's why:
(This isn't legal advice -- if you're unsure, contact an attorney.)
1. Slander means that you have said untrue things which have caused real damages. The owner of Active Male Models cannot prove damages, though, because he has destroyed his reputation already. Also, he has become a public figure due to the exposure of his scams in 2009, as well as his public criminal history from the 1990's. He has destroyed his own reputation and could never prove damages. Even if he did try to prove damages, he would have to show that his agency is nothing more than a scam. He would never do that, and if his lawyer is worth anything at all, he will have been advised of this numerous times. He also has to prove that what you say is false.
2. Harassment You can't harass someone you're not initiating communication with. If he calls you, it isn't harassment if you tell him where to go. If you communicate with him about legitimate business with or complaints you have against Active Male Models as his customer, you're not harassing him as long as you keep your cool and keep it civil. He will fall apart, though, and have a tantrum. You just stay calm and record all conversations -- and let him know you're doing it. Never throw away any communications you've had with him, as these can always be used as evidence if he ever tries to say you harassed him.
The bottom line, though, is this: You can't slander a public figure who destroyed their own reputation and damaged themselves beyond repair.
So stay strong, and stand your ground! I am, and look what it's achieving. :)
Russell's LOLworthy "Response Blog"
Click here to go straight to my blog entry about Active Male Models
Russell has been updating his blog. Have a look, have a laugh. It's insane. I know first graders who are better at making convincing arguments. Click it, read it -- Russell would want you to. :)
Russell has been updating his blog. Have a look, have a laugh. It's insane. I know first graders who are better at making convincing arguments. Click it, read it -- Russell would want you to. :)
Russ David "The Model Seeker" IS NO MORE!
Click here to skip straight to the post on Active Male Models and its owner.
I just received word that, upon my advice, Myspace deleted his profile! VICTORY #1!
Update: Myspace has also shut down all profiles belonging to Models Today, LLC, and is also investigating to determine if Russell Claxon has set up other profiles elsewhere on the site. YAY MYSPACE!
I just received word that, upon my advice, Myspace deleted his profile! VICTORY #1!
Update: Myspace has also shut down all profiles belonging to Models Today, LLC, and is also investigating to determine if Russell Claxon has set up other profiles elsewhere on the site. YAY MYSPACE!
I have a lot more info - contact me for access.
Click here to skip straight to the post on Active Male Models and its owner. (opens in new tab/window)
I've set up a special file in my personal e-mail account. A 40-page document where I have everything you need to know about this company. E-mail me at activemalemodelsexperience@gmail.com and I will provide you access.
But let me make one thing clear first: The LAST thing we want is for Russell Claxon to get his hands on this material. So when you write me, you can remain anonymous if you want. But if you choose to remain anonymous, I'll need to speak to you on the phone first -- only briefly -- to verify that you're NOT Russell. And no, Russell, just for future reference when you spam me next time: I will not be providing my phone number to anyone other than the person I CALL.
He's been spamming the daylights out of me since I put this post up -- over 200 messages in my SPAM folder (so not in my inbox -- I guess it didn't work, Russ.) ...
I've set up a special file in my personal e-mail account. A 40-page document where I have everything you need to know about this company. E-mail me at activemalemodelsexperience@gmail.com and I will provide you access.
But let me make one thing clear first: The LAST thing we want is for Russell Claxon to get his hands on this material. So when you write me, you can remain anonymous if you want. But if you choose to remain anonymous, I'll need to speak to you on the phone first -- only briefly -- to verify that you're NOT Russell. And no, Russell, just for future reference when you spam me next time: I will not be providing my phone number to anyone other than the person I CALL.
He's been spamming the daylights out of me since I put this post up -- over 200 messages in my SPAM folder (so not in my inbox -- I guess it didn't work, Russ.) ...
Progress!!!! :) !!!
Click here to skip straight to the post on Active Male Models and its owner.
Well, I've managed to contact a several of the current "models" and let them know about this. Guys -- all of you who have helped with exposing this scam -- you are to be commended! Let's hope an end can be put to this whole ordeal very soon!
Well, I've managed to contact a several of the current "models" and let them know about this. Guys -- all of you who have helped with exposing this scam -- you are to be commended! Let's hope an end can be put to this whole ordeal very soon!
Some fun stuff that Russell wrote on models-today.com
Click here to skip straight to the post on Active Male Models and its owner.
So Russell is upset about the WHAS 11 News Story about him (see the main post below), and he decided to write a poorly-written response to it, in which he makes some incriminating statements -- admitting to harassment of the BBB, admitting that he is nothing more than an amateur photographer (not even that -- I take better photos with a cell phone), admitting that he does nothing more than take photos of his models and put them on a cheap website. But he claims to "manage every aspect" of their "promotion" ... Well, a "master agent" who is THAT successful doesn't have time to bother with taking the pictures and managing the website. So that's an admission to consumer fraud right there. I do hope whoever reads this realizes that 1. I have original copies and screen captures of the site in question, and 2. the website will be cached on Google, so still searchable and viewable. Once it's out there, it's out there forever. YAY GOOGLE!
Oh, and he even admits that he lives in his mother's home -- at age 41/42. Precious.
Anyway, I've responded to his claims, and pointed out where he incriminates himself. Also: He sends e-mails to people with a statement from the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. It means absolutely nothing. It only applies to unwarranted search and seizure by the government, or hacking/wiretapping by private parties. So don't ever be afraid to forward/copy/publish anything and everything he e-mails you.
Enjoy!!! (These will open in the same window, so use the back button to return to this page.)
So Russell is upset about the WHAS 11 News Story about him (see the main post below), and he decided to write a poorly-written response to it, in which he makes some incriminating statements -- admitting to harassment of the BBB, admitting that he is nothing more than an amateur photographer (not even that -- I take better photos with a cell phone), admitting that he does nothing more than take photos of his models and put them on a cheap website. But he claims to "manage every aspect" of their "promotion" ... Well, a "master agent" who is THAT successful doesn't have time to bother with taking the pictures and managing the website. So that's an admission to consumer fraud right there. I do hope whoever reads this realizes that 1. I have original copies and screen captures of the site in question, and 2. the website will be cached on Google, so still searchable and viewable. Once it's out there, it's out there forever. YAY GOOGLE!
Oh, and he even admits that he lives in his mother's home -- at age 41/42. Precious.
Anyway, I've responded to his claims, and pointed out where he incriminates himself. Also: He sends e-mails to people with a statement from the Electronic Communications Privacy Act. It means absolutely nothing. It only applies to unwarranted search and seizure by the government, or hacking/wiretapping by private parties. So don't ever be afraid to forward/copy/publish anything and everything he e-mails you.
Enjoy!!! (These will open in the same window, so use the back button to return to this page.)
Active Male Models has a Meltdown
Click here to skip straight to the post on Active Male Models and it's owner.
Well, yesterday, I posted to RipOffReport.com that my blog had been reinstated, after Active Male Models, LLC, and Russell Claxon tried to have it shut down. That only worked for a day or two.
A while back, I told Active Male Models / Russell Claxon to stop spamming and harassing me with his comments. And the comments stopped, despite the fact that they were allegedly all from different people.
On yesterdays' RipOffReport.com update, though, I commented that Russell Claxon could add his two cents to this blog. I wasn't expecting him to have an absolutely massive meltdown. Within the span of a couple of hours, I went from having about 50 comments (some were my own) to having the current number: 181. Granted, I responded to them, but even still, I received a HUGE number of abusive spam comments from Anonymous, conveniently and coincidentally after I said Russell could post here.
Well, anyway, read the comments in the main post below. They're absolutely hilarious / pathetic.
Well, yesterday, I posted to RipOffReport.com that my blog had been reinstated, after Active Male Models, LLC, and Russell Claxon tried to have it shut down. That only worked for a day or two.
A while back, I told Active Male Models / Russell Claxon to stop spamming and harassing me with his comments. And the comments stopped, despite the fact that they were allegedly all from different people.
On yesterdays' RipOffReport.com update, though, I commented that Russell Claxon could add his two cents to this blog. I wasn't expecting him to have an absolutely massive meltdown. Within the span of a couple of hours, I went from having about 50 comments (some were my own) to having the current number: 181. Granted, I responded to them, but even still, I received a HUGE number of abusive spam comments from Anonymous, conveniently and coincidentally after I said Russell could post here.
Well, anyway, read the comments in the main post below. They're absolutely hilarious / pathetic.
Oh NO! Active Male Models, LLC, keeps trying to shut me down!
Apparently, the owner of Models Today, LLC, and Active Male Models, LLC (RUSSELL CLAXON / RUSS DAVID / The Model Seeker) wants me shut down. Well, that just isn't going to happen. I'll be setting up my OWN domain soon, and no one can tell me what to do with it. :)
Until then ... no worries. This blog will remain for now. Here are all the links I used to find out the information I needed. The "meat" of the blog is in the post below, with lots of photos, screen captures, etc.
Until then ... no worries. This blog will remain for now. Here are all the links I used to find out the information I needed. The "meat" of the blog is in the post below, with lots of photos, screen captures, etc.
My ActiveMaleModels / Models-Today, LLC, Story
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click here to view the post.
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