"US Press Corps" http://www.uspresscorps.org
and that he is attempting to get involved with something called:
"International Freelance Photographers Organization" http://ifpo.net
Both of the above organizations are linked to a person called Vonda Blackburn, and both of them charge fees for services for which there are typically no fees involved.
Keep in mind, ladies and gentlemen, that a legitimate press pass is issued free of charge (unless you pay $10 for having the card re-made when you lose it), and typically by a legitimate media outlet, law enforcement agency, or research organization such as a television news station, radio station, newspaper, or university. In any case, the person requesting press credentials needs to actually HAVE credentials, which The Honorable Rev Russell Claxon does not.
A warning to consumers and aspiring models, actors, etc.: If someone presents a press pass to you, ALWAYS ask for a letter of their credentials to accompany it, and ALWAYS research the organization which issued the press pass to ensure legitimacy. Just a tiny bit of info from Wikipedia on "spurious cards":
- Spurious cards